miércoles, mayo 09, 2007


Extractos de un ensayo de Luis E. Blackaller, titulado THE SEXY COMICS OF MEXICO. Blackaller es estudiante, y el que ha colgado su ensayo, el tipo del blog que enlazo, es su profe de Teoría de los Medios. La galería de portadas que sirven de muestra es francamente impresionante. Arriba, la de ALMAS PERVERSAS #77, sacada de Journalista! (allí he visto el enlace); abajo, la de STARMAN EL LIBERTARIO #16.


Kaliman, the Incredible Man, 1979.

After almost 30 years of uninterrupted weekly running, Kaliman faces his biggest foe, suddenly overwhelmed by a pantheon of villians from another culture. The editors might have just been trying to rip off elements from the Marvel super hero books, but they delivered an interesting postmodern metaphor of what happened during the eighties, when Mexico opened its market to the US pop culture, allowing it to wipe many traditions out of the market.

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