viernes, octubre 19, 2007


Heidi MacDonald ha visto ya la nueva versión de BLADE RUNNER. Si soy sincero, no tengo muchas ganas de ver la película (por enésima vez) aunque sea en la versión MEJORADA y DEFINITIVA, pero resulta que Heidi también alude en su post a la adaptación al cómic del film de Ridley Scott que hizo Marvel (A Marvel Super Special) en septiembre de 1982 (y que yo nunca tuve en mis manos) con guión de Archie Goodwin, dibujos de Al Williamson y Carlos Garzon, tintas de Dan Green y Ralph Reese, y color de Marie Severin. La portada, ahí abajo, la firmó Steranko. He buscado por ahí y he dado con la tecla. Ahí está enterito, replicantes.

23 comentarios:

  1. Desde luego tener ese tebeo es equivalente a tener un tesoro. Yo si le tengo muchas ganas a la versión remasterizada (porque eso es lo que es, que no os engañen), porque llevo sin ver la pelicula intencionadamente desde 2001, cuando me enteré de que Scott trabajaba en un nuevo montaje de la película...


  2. Pues es toda una experiencia, ¿eh? Lo de la nueva versión, digo. A mí Blade Runner siempre me ha gustado pero no soy uno de esos fans devotos que pululan por ahí, pero la semana pasada en Sitges se me caía la baba viéndola. Qué cosa más grande, cómo se oye y cómo se ve después del lavado de cara que le han dado.

  3. Anónimo11:10 a. m.

    alguien pueden confirmar si esta edicion es la version final final final, trabajada personalmente por Ridley, esa que se viene hablando y estaba trabada por problemas legales desde el 2001

  4. claro, es ésa. Que yo sepa.

  5. Anónimo12:34 p. m.

    Hola, un par de cosas.

    Tengo una copia en DVD y la verdad es que resulta algo descorazonador el sonido en el Home Cinema, si lo comparamos con las películas actuales. Espero que hayan mejorado de verdad este aspecto, creo que entonces si seria la versión definitiva.
    Es increíble lo de esta película, recuerdo que cuando apareció la primera vez en los cines la critica francesa (probablemente la mas influyente en Europa) trató de cargarsela (Como ya había hecho con Dune de David Liynch), arguyendo entre otras razones que habían "robado" a Moebius. Y fijaos la historia como ha ido llegando.

    El cómic por otra parte creo que también necesitaría un "remasterización" y una nueva edición en formato libro. Lo digo porque viendolo ahora me doy cuenta del flaco favor que le hacia el color de la época, teniendo en cuenta el increíble dibujo de Al Williamson y Carlos Garzon. (Increible el equipo que logr reunir Marvel)

    No se que os parece el tema.

  6. La lista de Reyes (excusas, excusas) empieza a ser alargada...


  7. Anónimo1:24 p. m.

    Yo me duermo con esta película

  8. Josep.
    Es que las dos versiones que sacaron anteriormente eran bastante deficientes, especialmente la de 1999, que es un port desde un VHS, es decir, una cutrada. La de 2006 tiene una imagen correcta, pero el sonido es lamentable.

    El "Final Cut" en realidad es "El Montaje del Director" con una serie de planos que Ridley Scott quiso ajustar desde 1999, solo detalles de poca importancia. Después hubo problemas con uno de los productores originales y el proyecto se retrasó hasta hace poco: entonces decidieron aprovechar la oportunidad para hacer una edición en DVD a la altura, con nuevas tomas de efectos especiales y un sonido multicanal a la altura. De hecho la película también saldrá en HD-DVD y Blue-Ray.


  9. Anónimo5:03 p. m.

    "Yo me duermo con esta película"

    no eres el único

  10. Anónimo5:45 p. m.

    Primero sacan la versión Director's cut para que la gente pique y la compre, y poco tiempo después sacan la versión "definitiva-definitiva". Me parece que se les ve bastante el plumero.

  11. No me gusta Blade runner pero un saludete para Marie Severin.

  12. lo mismo digo, que la mujer, ya bastante mayor, está en el hospital recuperándose de un ataque.

  13. Gracias por el regalazo,pos no le he tenido ganas ni na de toda la vida a esa adaptación... se va a ir derechita a mis links....¿os imagináis si se volvieran a hacer otra vez adaptaciones de películas al cómic como antes de que llegara el video?...

    ¿qué peli, clásica o moderna (la que sea)querríais leer?

  14. Anónimo9:55 p. m.

    Creo que este par de enlaces os aclararán bastantes dudas sobre la "versión definitiva" y la edición en DVD:

    Entrevista con Ridley Scott

    Entrevista con Charles De Lauzirika

  15. Anónimo10:04 p. m.

    El comunicado de prensa oficial:

  16. Anónimo10:05 p. m.

    Y un tocho de "corta&pega":


    But by far the biggest response was to what came next: Charlie broke the official news on the long awaited Blade Runner: The Final Cut from Warner. He talked about the FIVE different versions of the film that will be on the release, the different versions of the release itself (2-disc, 4-disc and 5-disc DVDs, along with 5-disc Blu-ray and HD-DVD versions - extras on both high-def versions will be exactly the same - and the elaborate collector's case versions). You can find all the official details and artwork here. He then revealed that over 80 people were interviewed for the set, from Ridley Scott to virtually everyone associated with the production including Harrison Ford and all the major cast members. In terms of footage, he started by showing the Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner trailer (which you can all see for yourselves on Disc Two of Warner's 300 DVD - it streets tomorrow).

    Next, Charlie revealed that the set will also include a whopping 47 minutes worth of deleted scenes, not seen in any previous version of the film. He then proceeded to debut an exclusive clip of some of this deleted footage. Now... Todd and I had the chance to preview all 47 minutes of this deleted material on Wednesday night, before our panel, and I can tell you first-hand that you have absolutely NO IDEA just how cool this material is. It's not just 47 minutes worth of deleted material - it's like getting a 5½ th or a 6th version of the film itself. The material is all edited together chronologically, to create an encapsulated version of the story. It starts with a completely new opening credits scene and new special effects shots of the 2019 L.A. cityscape. Then you get scenes you've seen before... but it's all put together using alternate takes, different camera angles and other completely unused footage. There are also a number of true deleted scenes, including a few that no one outside the production even knew existed before. All of this is set to music from the film and newly-looped sound effects... as well as Harrison Ford's voiceover narration. But get this: This narration is a completely different take than what was in the original theatrical version of the film, and it's just totally different. Different lines, different dialogue. We think it's actually BETTER than what was ultimately used in the film!

    Let me give you just a couple examples of some of the things you're going to see: Turns out Deckard had a wife, who now lives in one of the off-world colonies - you see a picture of her and Deckard together (except that, if my memory doesn't fail me, the picture is set on the same porch as Rachel's photograph of herself with her mother - consider the implications of that). There's also a brief scene, after Batty has killed Tyrell, where he gets back into the elevator and he's shaking - he's clearly disturbed at what he's just done. The elevator announces the floor in a computerized female voice, and Batty looks up at the speaker and says "Mother?" in this sort of child-like daze. Rutger Hauer's performance is just perfect. There's even two alternate endings, in which Deckard and Rachel have dialogue while driving off in Deckard's car. And this is all just scratching the surface. I'm telling you, this stuff is absolutely amazing. If you think you know everything there is to know about Blade Runner, you are in for a REAL shock. Todd and I were just stunned after we finished watching this stuff. And keep in mind, every bit of this footage was shot by Ridley Scott in his prime... so it's just gorgeous. My head is still spinning over it all.

    The final bit of footage that Charlie previewed exclusively for the crowd, was a behind-the-scenes look at the infamous reshoot from earlier this year featuring Joanna Cassidy's character Zhora. Now, when news of this reshoot leaked on the Net, it sparked an outcry from fans who feared that Scott was pulling a George Lucas and drastically altering the film with all new effects or something. Turns out, nothing could be further from the truth. The Final Cut of the film itself has been edited a tiny bit, with a couple of new scenes added and a little bit of footage excised. But the new effects tweaks are very minor. For example, in many shots involving the practical, on-set Spinner, you can see the suspension cables holding it in the air. These have been removed. In a couple instances members of the camera crew were accidentally captured on the edges of the frame, so they've been removed. And there's an instance where Harrison Ford's dialogue doesn't match his lip movements on screen (a shot through the glass as he's talking to the snake dealer), so Harrison Ford's son, Ben Ford, was brought in. He was dressed in the costume and was given the same scar on his chin as his father via make-up. His face was then shot (at the correct angle, under matching lighting) reading the same lines, and his mouth and chin were inserted over his father's so the lip-synch now matches. It's absolutely seamless.

    But the Zhora reshoot was what triggered the most controversy, so here's what it was about: Back in 1982, actress Joanna Cassidy wasn't allowed to do the stunt where Zhora crashes through the window panes. But if you watch the film closely, especially now in high-definition, it's painfully obvious that it's a stuntwoman in those shots. I mean, it's not even close. The woman has a bad afro-like wig on and it's bouncing around so much in those shots that it looks like Ronald McDonald going through the glass. So Cassidy was brought back in, dressed in her original costume and was given the same snake tattoo on her face. Then she was shot on a greenscreen stage, going through the same movements as the stunt woman. Her face and body angles were matched to the original stunt woman frame by frame, so they're identical. Then, Cassidy's head was digitally inserted over the stunt woman's and it was blended together, color-corrected and matched seamlessly. So now, when you see Zhora crash through the glass, it's actually Zhora all the way through. Charlie showed the behind-the-scenes at our panel, and then at the official Warner panel the next day, he showed the final shot. And again, it's amazing. The first time I saw this finished sequence a few months ago, I was actively looking for the effect... and I completely missed it. That's how good a job the CG team has done on this. It was only after going back and looking at the original shots on DVD that I realized what a big difference there was, and I was just floored.

    On the whole, our DVD Sneak Panel was a huge success. We had a few tiny problems with the DVD player that was on hand to show the clips, but fortunately, the Comic-Con people were able to swap a malfunctioning unit out with a good replacement, so we were able to show virtually everything we'd planned to. And the crowd reaction was really terrific. I know that Charlie and his assistant producer, Paul Prischman, were both really pleased with the crowd reaction to the Blade Runner footage they'd brought. They've been working on this release for years now - the project actually first started back in 2000 - and this was the first time they'd gotten to see a public reaction to any of it. And as long as I've known Charlie, Blade Runner has been the one title he's most wanted to tackle as a special edition. I think you guys are going to agree that Charlie, Paul and the rest of their DVD team have really knocked it out of the park.

  17. Anónimo5:42 a. m.

    No querías sopa? ¡Cinco tazas!

  18. Coño Pepo, me has alegrado el día! Yo sí soy uno de esos fans devotos que han visto la peli tropecientas veces y le sigue gustando. Qué se le va a hacer, todos tenemos un lado oscuro...

  19. Anónimo2:05 a. m.

    alguien puede confirmar si reemplazaron TOTALMENTE la horrenda escena del travesti en la muerte de Zora

  20. Anónimo11:28 a. m.

    Aryentino, han vuelto a rodar los planos con una especialista que no pareciera un camionero, y le han pegado digitalmente la cara de joanna Cassidy.

    Puedes ver una comparativa al final de esta reseña:

  21. Anónimo11:30 a. m.

    Parece que el url que he puesto ha quedado truncado.

    Puedes picar aquí para leer la reseña.

  22. Anónimo3:02 p. m.

    aguante jmm.
    Maraviyoso maraviyoso, lo compro sin dudar
