En EEUU, journalista!, el blog de la prestigiosa revista teórica The Comics Journal que lleva Dirk Deppey, se hace eco hoy del caso Jueves (gracias, tristan). Y enlaza la noticia en inglés en Typically spanish
Manel, si alcanzas a leer esto (porque veo que la sección de comentarios está que echa humo), sólo escribo para decirte que el Times británico (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2112719.ece) y The Guardian también se ha hecho eco de la noticia (http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,2131457,00.html) y que dicen en su final exactamente esto:
"After decades in which Spain's royal family has been treated with kid gloves by the media, comedians and cartoonists have increasingly made them the butt of their humour in recent years."
Wikipedia también reproduce la noticia, y llama a las cosas por su nombre, "censura": "Press censorship: A Spanish judge orders the confiscation of an edition of the Spanish satirical magazine El Jueves for its depiction of the heir apparent Crown Prince Felipe and his wife in a cartoon." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events)
A lo mejor ha sido bueno que todo esto haya ocurrido. Se ha puesto a prueba la democracia de este país y de sus representantes y se ha demostrado claramente que ha fallado. En el Reino Unido llevan años de feroces parodias de la familia real británica (véase Spitting Image y otros, en los que ha llegado a aparecer el príncipe Carlos en ligueros) y nunca ha pasado nada. Se acepta como una muestra de libertad de expresión.
En cambio, en Marruecos, cuyo sistema político es definido eufemísticamente como "democracia parlamentaria tutelada" una sátira sobre la corrupción del régimen de Mohamed II provocó la persecución de Ali Mrabet y el cierre de su revista.
También en el NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/21/world/europe/21briefs-cartoon.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&adxnnlx=1185293276-Ry5Vf4JlOF45gR1NhrxC9A
Y el Libération (http://www.liberation.fr/actualite/monde/268349.FR.php) en Francia y el Corriere della Sera en Italia (http://www.liberation.fr/actualite/monde/268349.FR.php)
Patricia, that's not the point. If I feel I have been insulted by someone, I can apply to the Court to settle the problem. Everybody can do that, because the right to freedom of expression, obviously, is not absolute.
The Prince and the Princess, if they feel their honor has been stained, have that right as well... but in this case there's a big difference: there had been NO complaint from the Palace, that is, State Prosecutor’s Office has acted on its own, ASSUMING an insult had been committed, thinking and acting ON BEHALF of the Royal Family. Do you think the rest of us Spanish citizens may expect a similar behaviour from that State institution when our honor has been stained? No way, so we're facing a crude reality here: not all of us may expect the same from the Law. It's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with the monarchy, or thinking about monarchy as something anachronistic in this century (the joke was not about that anyway). It is more about democracy, freedom of expression and the confidence about the legal mechanisms that defend both.
Seizing an issue of a publication (a satyrical magazine in this case, being published since democracy came to Spain, 30 years ago) just because there's a joke on the cover (a damn good one, in my humble opinion) about the Prince and the Princess of Asturias brings up the darkest days of our history, when we suffered the hardest of censorships.
Furthermore, one of the reasons for the magazine to be seized was because the judge found the drawing to be of "bad taste", which I think is something quite subjective, don't you think?
And lastly, this action turned completely against the original objective: only El Jueves' readers were going to see that picture. Now, half Europe (and part of America) is laughing around it.
Manel, si alcanzas a leer esto (porque veo que la sección de comentarios está que echa humo), sólo escribo para decirte que el Times británico (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2112719.ece) y The Guardian también se ha hecho eco de la noticia (http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,2131457,00.html) y que dicen en su final exactamente esto:
ResponderEliminar"After decades in which Spain's royal family has been treated with kid gloves by the media, comedians and cartoonists have increasingly made them the butt of their humour in recent years."
Wikipedia también reproduce la noticia, y llama a las cosas por su nombre, "censura": "Press censorship: A Spanish judge orders the confiscation of an edition of the Spanish satirical magazine El Jueves for its depiction of the heir apparent Crown Prince Felipe and his wife in a cartoon." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events)
A lo mejor ha sido bueno que todo esto haya ocurrido. Se ha puesto a prueba la democracia de este país y de sus representantes y se ha demostrado claramente que ha fallado. En el Reino Unido llevan años de feroces parodias de la familia real británica (véase Spitting Image y otros, en los que ha llegado a aparecer el príncipe Carlos en ligueros) y nunca ha pasado nada. Se acepta como una muestra de libertad de expresión.
En cambio, en Marruecos, cuyo sistema político es definido eufemísticamente como "democracia parlamentaria tutelada" una sátira sobre la corrupción del régimen de Mohamed II provocó la persecución de Ali Mrabet y el cierre de su revista.
Adivinad de quien estamos más cerca.
También en el NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/21/world/europe/21briefs-cartoon.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&adxnnlx=1185293276-Ry5Vf4JlOF45gR1NhrxC9A
ResponderEliminarY el Libération (http://www.liberation.fr/actualite/monde/268349.FR.php) en Francia y el Corriere della Sera en Italia (http://www.liberation.fr/actualite/monde/268349.FR.php)
ResponderEliminarPatricia, that's not the point. If I feel I have been insulted by someone, I can apply to the Court to settle the problem. Everybody can do that, because the right to freedom of expression, obviously, is not absolute.
ResponderEliminarThe Prince and the Princess, if they feel their honor has been stained, have that right as well... but in this case there's a big difference: there had been NO complaint from the Palace, that is, State Prosecutor’s Office has acted on its own, ASSUMING an insult had been committed, thinking and acting ON BEHALF of the Royal Family. Do you think the rest of us Spanish citizens may expect a similar behaviour from that State institution when our honor has been stained? No way, so we're facing a crude reality here: not all of us may expect the same from the Law. It's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with the monarchy, or thinking about monarchy as something anachronistic in this century (the joke was not about that anyway). It is more about democracy, freedom of expression and the confidence about the legal mechanisms that defend both.
Seizing an issue of a publication (a satyrical magazine in this case, being published since democracy came to Spain, 30 years ago) just because there's a joke on the cover (a damn good one, in my humble opinion) about the Prince and the Princess of Asturias brings up the darkest days of our history, when we suffered the hardest of censorships.
Furthermore, one of the reasons for the magazine to be seized was because the judge found the drawing to be of "bad taste", which I think is something quite subjective, don't you think?
And lastly, this action turned completely against the original objective: only El Jueves' readers were going to see that picture. Now, half Europe (and part of America) is laughing around it.
Sorry for my Tarzan English and best wishes.