Interview with Oscar Nebarada, editor of the Spanish newspaper El jueves banned from sale on 18 July for containing a caricature of the Prince and his wife in the throes of passion
Desde EEUU, Journalista! enlaza hoy una entrevista a Óscar Nebreda, uno de los editores de El Jueves (gracias, tio berni)
Nebreda: "We've never experienced anything like this assault – actually, yes, we have, 28 years ago. But it was just after Franco died, when Spain was still in what has come to be called the transition period. But now we are in a democracy and censuring a newspaper, as did that judge, is an unbalanced and grotesque decision. (...) That brings back sad memories... In the 1970s, I founded the journals El papus and Barrabás, similar to the French satyrical magazine Hara-kiri. I was taken to court 66 times for charges of insanity, professional inaptitude, you name it! I spent four months living away from home and just managed to escape an assassination attempt. But that's just how it was in those dark days. We've moved on since then but sometimes it's hard to believe that we are in 2007!"
Conviene recordar, en efecto, que a EL PAPUS lo cerraron las consecuencias de una bomba que causó un muerto.
ResponderEliminarsí, hablamos precisamente de esto el otro día. Tengo entendido que Nebreda tiene unos recuerdos tremendos de aquello, pero mejor que lo cuenten los que lo vivieron o se lo han oído contar.
ResponderEliminarDe hecho, y por otras razones que no vienen al caso, estuve repasando el otro día la historieta que hizo Giménez en la serie ESPAÑA UNA GRANDE Y LIBRE justo después de la bomba que mató al portero en la redacción de El Papus.
ResponderEliminarCharlie Hebdo ( Francia ) publicó una página sobre esta censura